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Appointments only.  No in-person consultations at this time.  Consultations can be done through email and over the phone.

If you feel even slightly ill please reschedule your appointment.  It is better to reschedule than you put your artist at risk.  Tattoos also heal very poorly when your body is trying to fight off something else while it should be focused on healing the tattoo.

No groups or guests allowed at this time.  Only you and your artist will be present during your tattoo.

Face masks must be worn at all times, in the proper position covering both nose and mouth.  Please refrain from touching the mask or your face while wearing it.  If you do not have one, one will be provided to you.

The artist will meet you at your vehicle at the scheduled appointment time.  Further instructions may be passed along before the tattoo can begin please have your cell phone charged and ready.

Please use the hand sanitizer frequently andbe mindful of what you touch. You must also not touch anywhere near the area of skin being tattooed.

Please maintain social distancing with the artist as much as possible, practice good hygiene habits, and cover your mouth with your arm if you feel the need to cough. 


DERMAPUNCT Tattoo holds safety and hygiene as a top priority.  It is for this reason, that it has always operated as a single artist and one client per day studio.  Exceeding all leading industry protocols and universal precautions when it comes to health and safety will always be the mission here.  Post Covid-19, these rules help to continue this commitment of offering my clients the safest imaginable environment to be tattooed in.  If you are unable, or otherwise unwilling, to follow these rules, I respectfully suggest that you look for somewhere else to get tattooed.  While there are mixed feeling among the public as to the necessity or validity for some of these precautions, they will be implemented here with unwavering dedication.


2013 - 2020 DERMAPUNCT TATTOO, L.L.C., all rights reserved.  Please email for permission to use photos. Any claims and reference or variations to the use of the DERMAPUNCT name is subject to all protections afforded DERMAPUNCT TATTOO, L.L.C.

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